»Healing your relations«

Healing your relationship fields

In this online series, Sven shares a powerful way to heal and transform your relationships. You can use this process to transform your personal, family and professional/financial relationships.

We open a clear field of awareness to consciously experience and release obstacles and allow a free flow of creation and life force again. »Healing your relations« combines systemic and Buddhist practices with the healing power of inner stillness.

This is an important step towards a fulfilled life.

26.6. | The family and ancestral line
31.7. | Personal relationships
11.9. | Success and abundance

Times: 19.30-21.00 h on Zoom, questions & answers from 21.00 h
Single evening: 33 €

Booking the entire series: 89 € ➔

26.6. | The family and ancestral line

The first seminar is dedicated to our family entanglements and blockages. We all carry patterns and conditioning that have been passed on for generations. This can manifest itself in various illnesses and relationship problems.

When we become aware of these patterns, a much clearer space opens up. In the first seminar we begin to release these entanglements and show you ways in which you can move forward in your own process.

26.6.24 from 19.30-21.00
Questions & Answers
from 21.00 h
Contribution: 33 €, Platform: Zoom

To the booking on Sofengo ➔

31.7. | Personal relationships

In personal relationships, be it romantic relationships or friendships, difficulties can be stressful. All too often, the origin of these conflicts lies hidden deep in the shadows. This seminar is not about analyzing the cause or addressing the content. Rather, we want to dissolve the disruptive patterns in the field and allow a new flow in our relationship fields through a changed inner attitude.

In this way, we can express ourselves in a more present way and it becomes much easier for other people to really reach us.

31.7.24 from 19.30-21.00
Questions & Answers
from 21.00 h
Contribution: 33 €, Platform: Zoom

To the booking on Sofengo ➔

11.9. | Success & Abundance

We can also experience our personal success as free or as an imbalance in our field. We go deep to eliminate patterns that block our life force or lack the impetus to get things moving.

Experience far-reaching opportunities to leave the beaten track and embrace a world of new possibilities.

11.9.24 from 19.30-21.00
Questions & Answers
from 21.00 h
Contribution: 33 €, Platform: Zoom

To the booking on Sofengo ➔

I am taking part in the current meditation series and am very grateful for it. It is a gift that and how you facilitate and pass on this experience. The practice immediately went very deep into everyday life. Yes. I have the impression that Sven on the one hand ties very deeply to the Kundalini Yoga tradition and at the same time imports it openly and without rigid dogma. A dialogue. In this way, from my point of view, both tradition and novelty can find or retain their space. This is a gift for everyone. Thank you!

Wideness, opening, deep experience in me. And yet together, connected in meditative space. Beyond borders. A deep silence. Thank you.

An opportunity for spiritual awakening with a community of like minded practitioners with a superb, well educated and experienced teacher.

*A million stars*

Thank you for doing this service for us all! May we continue on our journeys of awakening, and remember to be the light! Chris

Meditation is a very good start to the day! You feel very well taken care of with Sven, questions are answered, everything is explained very well! Thank you very much!

A wonderful offer from Sven to meditate for 40 days guided and in a group. Every day brings new experience, more depth and energy for the day. I am grateful for this experience.

I am fascinated, feel secure, included, carried and guided. Every morning I look forward to our “virtual” practice together. Sven guides wisely, motivating us through various kriyas. This hour feeds my soul for the day. This guidance and the group motivates me to be there every day. For this I thank Sven from the bottom of my heart and all participants for the energetic togetherness. Especially in our challenging times, morning practice does incredible good. Best to experience and learn for yourself. Good luck!

“When meditation becomes effortless, you experience profound regeneration, healing, and the taste of your true nature.”