»Healing your emotions«

Mit15Jan19:30Mit21:00»Healing your emotions«Kundalini and the joy of lifeEventOnline-Meditation19:30 - 21:00 SpecialMasterclassSpracheDE + EN

Event Details

Kundalini and the joy of life

Every expression of being alive is the dance of Kundalini. A laugh, the brief blooming of a flower and every movement of life. The whole dance of life is absolutely effortless, boundless and spontaneous. On this evening we will explore how we can relax back into this dance and what tricks will help you to speed up the process.

This will give you clear access to your creative potential and a new lightness in your life.

The precise work with the Kundalini, the dance of tension, relaxation and impulsive flow, is the crowning achievement of my personal research over the last few years. The integration of this practice enables you to feel freer and more detached in everyday life and thus to feel more joy in life again. I look forward to sharing this treasure with you.


15.1.25 from 19.30-21.00
Questions & Answers 
from 21.00 h
Contribution: 33 €, Platform: Zoom


Buchung: www.sofengo.de/w/432454


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30.10.24 | Inner stability – from excessive demands to stability ➔
27.11.24 | Clearing the subconscious – tidying up the basement ➔
15.1.25 | Kundalini and the joy of life ➔


Booking the entire series: 89 € ➔


Times: 19.30-21.00 h on Zoom, questions & answers from 21.00 h
Single evening: 33 €


Made with  and good vibes


15. Jan. 2025 19:30 - 21:00