Online meditations
with Sven Butz

Developing a regular meditative practice is many times easier with the support of a powerful community.

To get started, the free meditation on Tuesday evenings is suitable. A gift of stability in rapidly changing times.

In the Online classes we use the dynamic meditations of Kundalini Yoga to create a healing space. With breathing and movement exercises, holding positions, we open the physical body and the mind and release blockages in the energetic body. These exercises are an effective preparation for silent meditation, the power of which heals deep-seated emotional patterns with surprising ease.

Sven’s wealth of experience from Kundalini Yoga and Sat Nam Rasayan is enriched by his study of various spiritual traditions, such as Advaita, Kashmiri Shivaism and Dzogchen. His main focus is always the inner silence and its integration into everyday life.

The online meditations are an efficient complement to your Sat Nam Rasayan training, which is taught only in presence. They give you clarity and stability for your daily life and build your meditative capacity. In these classes we offer you hands-on experience and the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of your spiritual process with specific questions.

Our online seminars

Current Month

Mindful, loving, transformative.
Getting to know your own inner energy, accompanied step by step. Sven creates a space for me in which I can experience myself anew.

Nothing replaces the live experience in a group, but these online courses come very close: I was surprised that despite the physical distance, you can feel deeply connected with like-minded people, and that intense contemplation is possible. A great tool to practice together in times of social distancing and beyond. Keep it up!

Sven, you manage to lead beyond any dogma into a deep silence and healing self-awareness. This is not self-evident in the yoga world and yet so important. I am grateful to be able to learn from you.

Thank you for the many small and big miracles you have created with all the turiya Team made possible by the online meditations. There have been so many tangible positive changes for me; I’m sure the non-tangible ones are even more numerous!

I feel better than I have in a long time. The medication awakens enormous reserves of strength, helps me to stabilize and, above all, to breathe deeply again. Through regular practice I have become more sensitive, balanced and open again. I am now much more aware of the world again and have recently been able to develop courage and strength. I enjoy the privacy at the online seminars, can snort, cry and blush. Thanks for that.

Despite spatial distance, Sven knows how to build a connecting field. Strengthened and balanced, one returns to everyday life.

“When meditation becomes effortless, you experience profound regeneration, healing, and the taste of your true nature.”